To Blog or not to Blog
I've never been one for New Year's resolutions. They seem kind of desperate, forced and artificial. So I will not make any resolutions for 2008.
For instance, I will not resolve to write on my blog more often. I have my reasons.
Here's one: family values. Reporters and columnists (I am both) are kept mighty busy in the 21st century, as cutbacks require those of us who remain to work ever harder. That means I need to really budget my time in order to get out of here on time for a dinner with my wife and kids, which I think is an endangered American institution. If I take extra time to do a blog entry, that cuts into family time.
Here's another reason: standards. When I put something out there in writing, be it a news story, a column or a blog posting, I want it to be done well and to have some meaning. I don't want to do a "toss-off." And so I won't write a blog entry unless I have something substantial to say that I can't find room for in my twice-weekly column.
All of you out there know that we are more squeezed for time all the time. Five years ago I didn't have dozens of e-mail messages to wade through on my work computer and at night on my home computer. But now I do, and it squeezes me, as it does you. I make it a point to respond to every personal e-mail message I receive, unless it's hate mail or clearly something from a total jerk. (Yeah, I get a few of those.) But responding to all of those e-mails means I have still less time to write for this blog.
This is a somewhat long explanation for any of you who may be wondering why I don't "blog" more often. I will do so when the time is there, when the opportunity arises, when there is something I really want to say, and it doesn't "fit" in my columns.
If you want to make resolutions, go for it. I'm not judging anybody. It's just not my style.
P.S. My elder daughter just called. She is sick and needs me to pick up some ginger ale and ice cream. See what I mean? I'm out of here...
For instance, I will not resolve to write on my blog more often. I have my reasons.
Here's one: family values. Reporters and columnists (I am both) are kept mighty busy in the 21st century, as cutbacks require those of us who remain to work ever harder. That means I need to really budget my time in order to get out of here on time for a dinner with my wife and kids, which I think is an endangered American institution. If I take extra time to do a blog entry, that cuts into family time.
Here's another reason: standards. When I put something out there in writing, be it a news story, a column or a blog posting, I want it to be done well and to have some meaning. I don't want to do a "toss-off." And so I won't write a blog entry unless I have something substantial to say that I can't find room for in my twice-weekly column.
All of you out there know that we are more squeezed for time all the time. Five years ago I didn't have dozens of e-mail messages to wade through on my work computer and at night on my home computer. But now I do, and it squeezes me, as it does you. I make it a point to respond to every personal e-mail message I receive, unless it's hate mail or clearly something from a total jerk. (Yeah, I get a few of those.) But responding to all of those e-mails means I have still less time to write for this blog.
This is a somewhat long explanation for any of you who may be wondering why I don't "blog" more often. I will do so when the time is there, when the opportunity arises, when there is something I really want to say, and it doesn't "fit" in my columns.
If you want to make resolutions, go for it. I'm not judging anybody. It's just not my style.
P.S. My elder daughter just called. She is sick and needs me to pick up some ginger ale and ice cream. See what I mean? I'm out of here...